Sunday, June 16, 2013

Smashing Baby!

Poison of Choice: Shipyard Smashed Blueberry
Type of Beer: Hybrid Porter / Scotch Ale

Who couldn't love that face?
I've been a busy little bee children. And all I had to quench my thirst for practically a week was Guinness. I know! I'm in love and apparently too lazy to drive and get something new. BUT! I recognized that it was time to switch it up again. Tonight on my way home from my night class, I stopped at the liquor store near the TF Green Airport - it was ultra convenient. The staff was surprisingly knowledgable and gave me tons of interesting new, relatively cheap, beers to try. (Expect more posts to follow soon!) So, now I have about 5 or 6 new beers sitting in the fridge waiting to be tasted.

I had to start off with the most appealing - to me. I'm a huge sucker for marketing and blueberries, so this beer just called my name with a soft, soft, whisper. "Kristttennnn, bluueeeeberrrieessss! SMASHED blueeeebberrriiesss. MmmMmmmMmmmm." I hate when beers start talking to me - it's usually a sign to throw in the towel. But alas, I swiped my debit card instead.

Beer and Ethiopian food...nomnomnom.
So tonight, I sit down with some fantastic Ethiopian take out (honestly, go get some. I don't care where...just do it) and this sexy hybrid porter/scotch ale. I have to say that my hopes were extremely high for this beer. The man at the register nodded in approval at my choice. The $8.99 price tag almost made me put it down though - that's a bit much I think for a pint...anywhere.

I didn't know what to make of this beer right off the bat. When poured, it has a dark color with a hint of red that can be seen at the bottom of the glass. The smell only had a small smidgen of blueberry essence. I instantly wondered if I had made a poor choice. On first sip, I drew back. It was a bit sweet with a hard sharp strange flavor, almost like a whiskey or something. I could detect some chocolate undertones? Maybe? I think so. Barely any blueberry flavor in the actual beer. The hops made it extremely bitter in flavor throughout.

I'm going to be honest with you, folks. I was not impressed. I felt like this beer was just trying way too hard. I actually ended up saving it for the boy when he showed up later on in the evening because I just couldn't deal with it. I ended up just drinking another Guinness to wash away the terrible flavor.

Damn. The packaging had me so fooled.

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